Every session features many special events – here are a few of the highlights of past summers!
Regatta Day
Our July Regatta Day challenges our campers to a whirlwind series of friendly competitions. Campers who have been working hard honing their skills at camp activities all session are given the chance to exhibit what they’ve learnt as they dash round the island in teams of mixed ages, leading one another and working together to win the real contest of the day – who is having the most fun!
Hurontario Olympics
Each August, Hurontario plays host to the Hurontario Olympics. The evening before, campers gather at the flagpole eagerly awaiting for the Olympic torch to arrive as darkness falls. Out on Camp Bay, a torch appears and is slowly paddled to the t-dock to light our Hurontario flame. “Let the Games Begin,” is heard across Camp Bay and fireworks light the evening sky as everyone heads back to their cabins to to get ready for Hurontario’s Olympiad the next day.
The next morning, teams take part in diving, sailing races, rock climbing feats, mud ball games, kayak races and many more events. After lunch, when the midday scores are announced campers head back out for more friendly competition.
Relay Day
Both July and August sessions end the month with Relay Day, a chance for our Leaders-In-Training to strategize, manage and lead their teams to victory.
Winning team captains are rewarded with the honour of having their quote of choice added to those displayed in the dining hall. Relay Day quotes date all the way back to the first year camp opened, so its fantastic to see this tradition live on each year.

The Epic Canadian Meal
Every camper who was in the dining hall for one of our famous Canuck meals, will still remember what we ate.
Campers and staff dress for the crazy meal (red and white, plaid, toques, hockey jerseys etc.) which all adds to the fun and a menu that includes: homemade milkshakes (chocolate, natch!), homemade burgers with cheese and bacon, homemade French fries and apple crisp for dessert. A hilarious game of musical chairs topped off the amazing meal, before everyone heads to the Rec Hall for movie night!
Casino Night
While the older Hall side is out having a barbecue on a nearby island, Hurontario’s Hamelin and Bruce sides enjoy hours of fun participating in a Casino Games night. With equipment ready to go and piles of chips at the door, campers and staff alike arrive keen and ready to try their luck at the games!
With big wheels of Crown and Anchor and Over Under, a fast paced game of Roulette, and several Black Jack tables, the Rec Hall indeed looks like a mini Casino. It only takes about 10 minutes before the noise level is high and laughter fills the casino, and soon everyone’s pockets are filled with chips!
After several hours of games, the pitmasters declare the Casino closed for business and everyone heads to Flag Pole Point where everyone is treated to delicious baked goodies – two for everyone!
Towards the end of each three and a half week session, the camp island begins to rock with the heavy beat of drums, electric guitars, crashing piano keys and loud strains of rock and roll songs. Each month a well-known band brings their tour to Camp Island and our Campstock rock and roll concert!
Punk rockers Green Day, Canadian rockers Nickelback, AC/DC – all have rocked the dock as headliners at Campstock. Throughout the show, many talented musicians on guitars, drums, violins, keyboards, and brass instruments set the tone for the lead band’s arrival.
Campstock is always a highlight of each month, eagerly anticipated by all.